the world we live in has a lot to offer us. Anything you wish will come to you;
there are drones to deliver the goods to your doorstep! About one of them,
however, I am not sure. The concept of online dating is, was and perhaps will
be a mystery for me forever.
decade ago, you could see people frowning if someone initiated talks about
blind dates. It has been left far behind now. Netizens are creating new
milestones for them daily. Google can suggest your future partner in seconds;
you can start dating with that 'searched' partner in no time. Thanks that Skype
is there!
with orthodox mind might find it a waste of time and resources. Youths,
however, revel in these things. I do not criticize them for using the advanced
technologies either. Nevertheless, I have to pose an interrogation mark next to
their so-called 'online dating'.
is the ultimate result one can extract from all these? I can assume the answers
will mostly sound like 'nothing'. Then why do youths indulge in such futile
am worried when I see a girl of 15, living next to my door, staring at her
mobile screen almost 10 hours in a day. Sometimes her expressions reflect
happiness, sometimes sadness and most of the time confused! The dilemma is that
if I lecture her about the side-effects of long hours of mobile use, it will
make no sense at all to her. Moreover, people supporting the 'youth
empowerment' might charge me of 'influencing one's mind'. Therefore, I remain a
silent observer. (I am not sure how long I can keep my mouth shut!)
me, online dating is a fallacy! It is a 'never-ending' dream literally. You
cannot look the reality behind the curtain. The internet shows you what people
allow it. Learning about the news of a girl running away with 'Facebook lover'
and ultimately losing her life after being raped, pierces my heart. What can
someone with 'orthodox' thoughts do? It seems the take-off of online dating has
made people like myself outdated! One can understand if 'there is no country
for old men', but what about someone just 24 and being disillusioned and
have an unsolicited advice for the youths. Sometimes the 'believe what you see'
theory also does not work. How can you believe the written things that are
'editable'? Now, if it is all about the 'online pleasure', enjoy it and see how
long it continues. I do not subscribe to this theory.
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