Friday, July 31, 2015

Why The Interest in Literature Decline by Alok Mishra, Editor-in-Chief at Ashvamegh, Poet and Author

It is needless to repeat that people have lost their interest in literature - the art of words. It is, however, not a sudden decline that took place in a single night. Something like people slept and woke up bereaved of literary interest did not happen! The decline is gradual; the castle got its bricks down one by one. I will try to analyse the fall in this article.

The general notion conveys that before the industrial revolution, people had a great interest in literature. Go through the history and you will get the reflection of this belief. The question arises - what happened with the industrial revolution? What did it do with the literary sense of the society? Philosophers and Critics will present to you many logics proving industrialization to be a demon. My beliefs, however, are different. I do not blame any other thing except the literature itself! I will try to floor a series of arguments backing my idea.

Let us consider the dawn of industrial era first. A group of critics and literary figures deduces on the point that monetization of 'everything' brought a change in the mind-set of people. I agree. I completely agree with the argument. Nevertheless, do we ever consider the monetization of literature? When Economists gather to criticize the "utilitarian" approach of the society, the critics should look at the approach the writers had (and have). The summum bonum of literature is to contribute to the welfare of the society, not to beguile it. The writers started to provide sheer entertainment to the readers, and, unfortunately, except the exceptions, this coarse attitude of the authors still goes on. To my trivial thinking, this shameless commercialization of the literature is the cause of the decline in the interest of the people. And do not ask me when did it start; there is a long history.

The piles of pages that we see today in the bookshelves with lucrative covers, are not, to be sure, the pieces of literature. The writings that concern with making money by enticing the lowly senses of readers can never be literature, to be frank! I have been a student of literature. I got the chance to read some of the best classics. Moreover, I have been sensing what is going around in the current literary milieu. All these accumulated, I am sure that Longinus was right with his remarks that he made about the literature of early ADs.

The message is loud and clear. Make literature a medium of entertainment, people have better than that!

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Friday, July 24, 2015


Great job! Always a supporter of the journal. Keep up  the good work. 

Best regards  and happy writing! 

Michael Judkins 

Sent from my iPhone

On Jul 23, 2015, at 1:20 AM, Alok Mishra <> wrote:

Dear all,
I am very happy to intimate you that our journal Ashvamegh has an ISSN number now. It has become officially an international journal now that has an International Standard Serial Number! 
Let us make our effort more serious and precise. Our motive of literary revival is showing the signs of promise now. 
I hope for the best,
Alok Mishra
Get in Touch @PoetAlok_Mishra

Wednesday, July 22, 2015


Dear all,
I am very happy to intimate you that our journal Ashvamegh has an ISSN number now. It has become officially an international journal now that has an International Standard Serial Number! 
Let us make our effort more serious and precise. Our motive of literary revival is showing the signs of promise now. 
I hope for the best,
Alok Mishra
Get in Touch @PoetAlok_Mishra

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Please Go Through Our July Issue

Dear members,
Please go through the July Issue of Ashvamegh.
It has been launched just a day ago.
Do not forget to add your comments,

Thank You

Alok Mishra
Get in Touch @PoetAlok_Mishra

Ashvamegh July Issue (VI) Launched!

Launched - Ashvamegh's July Issue!
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July 2015, Issue - VI Launched

Dear members,
We are delighted to inform you that we have successfully launched the Issue VI (July 2015) issue of Ashvamegh.
This issue contains the interview of the great poet diplomat - Abhay K along with Travis Blair. 
We have included the best poets and stories in our issue. Do not forget to comment once you are finished reading the issue. Please log on to

Please submit for our next issue as well.
Happy Reading
The Ashvamegh Team
New Delhi, 44


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Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Re-Defining Literature and trying to establish what is Literature

Re-Defining Literature
Literature, in a weird sense, can be said to be a genuinely rendered sum total of someone’s sociological, psychological, philosophical, anthropological, historical, theosophical, ontological, scientific, and political sense. Now, that I say it, I have already asked for an apology that I might sound complicated. However, if one sits to frame literature within a certain framework, either he will run away pinching his hairs or he will not be able to digest something said by a Victorian figure after reading something by Terry Eagleton. That is why Literature needs a definition that can suit everyone's perception.
The definition that I have put forth is not a rash verdict. Moreover, nor is it a display of the little knowledge I have earned. The line that I speak of Literature has come to my mind after examining various works of Literature itself. Yet, I confirm that I find this definition lacking a lot! Let us assume a novelist writing a novel. Undoubtedly, he/she will take the inspiration from history; put a layer of the psychological, philosophical and sociological sense; give the resultant a certain political turn and if necessary, there is going to be a sort of theosophical polish! Nevertheless, it is never essential that we find all these in a literary piece. I remember a novel, Animal Farm. It does not give you anything else except the sarcastic political commentary and yes, the fun! The things that it lacks are theosophical sense and ontological sense, at the least. However, it is a piece of literature because it has a good number of elements as per the theory propagated above. Having said that, the conclusion that we arrive at is - we cannot give a 'proper' definition of Literature. Nevertheless, I think that I have tried something in this field...

Alok Mishra